This is the most important thing we do.

Local Tables are our special sauce. Join one now, embrace the awkward, find your people, and keep it real.

Here’s the why.

What are Local Tables?

Local Tables are the heart and soul of The Local Church. They offer a place to connect more deeply with faith and new friends. With conversation starters, prayer, and a weekly practice to help “make it local,” Local Tables help you find belonging, new perspectives, and a more integrated and vibrant faith. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey or no journey at all, Local Tables give you the opportunity to lean in, listen, and know you’re not alone. This is how the movement of Jesus began generations ago, and this is how it continues right here and right now.

Why do we gather in this way?

The Acts of the Apostles in the Bible tells the story of the Church in its infancy. After Jesus dies and is resurrected, the story goes that he ascended into heaven and then, a few days later, sent his Spirit upon the gathered community. The story talks about the Spirit — the Holy Spirit, the very presence of God — coming like wind and like fire, falling on those who had been following Jesus. And when the dust settled and things stopped shaking, those who had received the Spirit responded by continuing to gather. They gathered in small groups and told stories, shared meals and shared their lives, prayed with and for one another, and went about the work of being the hands and feet of Jesus in their community: It all started around a table. At the Local Church, what we call Local Tables carry on this tradition.

“The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers. A sense of awe came over everyone. God performed many wonders and signs through the apostles. All the believers were united and shared everything…” Acts 2:42-44 (CEB)

Why do they matter?

In a world fraught with division, isolation, and hyper-partisanship, we believe that the simple act of gathering together to listen, learn, love, and serve can save our lives and change the world. Jesus meets us around the table. Now more than ever, we need to live and love local.

Ready to join?