Introducing Operation Clear the Lists

🍎 We’re so excited to unveil our latest mission β€” just in time for back-to-school season: Operation Clear the Lists!

πŸ’‘ Did you know that North Carolina teachers typically spend around $500 out-of-pocket on classroom necessities and student needs? We want to help reduce this financial strain and ensure our amazing educators feel loved and supported.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ« So, teachers, we invite you to share your classroom wishlist with us using this form. We’ll compile your submissions and distribute your lists throughout our community.

πŸ’œ Everyone else, check out the compilation of wishlists below. Let’s clear some lists, support our amazing educators, and put more love in the world.

Although we will do our best to distribute the lists as widely as possible to ensure they are fulfilled, we cannot promise that every item will be purchased. You can assist us by spreading the word about this initiative!


Q2 2023 Finance Update


Introducing Operation Fresh Start