Sundays? Check.
And so much more.

Our Sunday services each week at a common time give us a common purpose — to reconnect, recalibrate, and catch a glimpse of God’s hope for this world. They’re vital to our rhythm. But our formation as followers of Jesus doesn’t stop when the service is over. God wants so much more for us. Here are a few other ways to take your next steps in and among The Local Church.

Local Tables

Local Tables are where the magic happens. At these small(ish) gatherings of friends, family, and neighbors, you’ll discover community, belonging, and good food for body and soul. Learn more here.

Serve in Mission

Serve with purpose, and help put more love in the world. Together, we seek holistic solutions that bring mending, mutuality, and the reality of God's dream.

Book Club

Created for anyone who is wondering or wandering, The Local Book Club is a collective that reads and discusses one book every six(ish) weeks that connect matters of spirituality with everyday life.

Anti-Racism Coalition

Our Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Coalition exists to equip and organize our community to take action against racism, injustice, and harm by raising awareness, building relationships, and doing the work.


At The Local Church, we don’t do membership. That’s for Costco and the YMCA. Instead, we do partnership. Partnership is a statement of dedication to The Local Church as a community and a movement.