Racial Equity Fundamentals Workshop

Help build beloved community through engaging conversation and training around equity, diversity, and inclusion.

On Sunday, September 11 and 25 from 1–5 pm, we’re honored to host a community-wide Racial Equity Fundamentals Workshop, presented by CORE (Community Organizing for Racial Equity).

This two-day workshop will empower and equip you to develop language around racial equity, understand structural racism based upon the current implications of historical events, policies, and protocols, analyze the impact of structural racism, examine power dynamics and identity power relationships, and understand how BIPOC are affected by racism.

This workshop is valued at $100 per person, but we're making this training available to our community for free. If you'd like to help offset the cost to The Local Church, you may also register with a donation.

Capacity is limited to 35 persons, and the minimum age is 17. For more info, email Kelly Fuller or Brent Levy.


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