Your Next (Atomic) Step

Last Sunday, we launched a new series for Epiphany called Come and See. It's a series about drawing near to the God who has drawn near to us in Jesus — and how this movement toward shapes our vision. Each week, we're asking, "What does God want us to see in ourselves? In each other? In the world"

If you missed last week, you can catch up here (video, audio).

The big idea last week was that Jesus didn't say, "Y'all stay where you are and look around." He said, "Come and see." Jesus invited Andrew and Simon Peter to move. To respond. Because before we can see what God has for us, we have to get up. We have to take a step toward.  

I told you last week that one of my resolutions this year as pastor of The Local Church is that I’ll lead us, by God’s grace, to be a people who are about faithfully taking the next step. (I'm sharing so you'll hold me accountable!) Because if we really want to experience the fullness of life that God has for us, if we really want to make an impact in this world, if we, too, want to see miracles happen, lives transformed, and liberation for ourselves, our neighbors, and our world — first, we have to come. We have to respond to Jesus’ gracious invitation.

I ended my sermon by asking, "What’s your next step?"

This week, I've been thinking about how every next step looks different for each of us — as varied as the gifts, passions, ages, abilities, and experiences that each of us carries.

But I’ve also been thinking about how a next step is just that — a step. It’s not a leap. It’s an incremental movement. It made me think of James Clear’s game-changing Atomic Habits. In the book, Clear plays on the word atomic. Just as an atom is a small building block of that which makes us who we are, atomic can also imply something that produces incredible power. Clear writes:

[I]mproving by 1 percent isn’t particularly notable—sometimes it isn’t even noticeable—but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding.

Our next steps function in the same way. They don’t have to be huge. But a step closer is a step closer — and each step builds on the last, inching us closer to God’s dream of wholeness, hope, and peace for ourselves and for the world. Each step is atomic.

You're going to be hearing us talk a lot more about next steps in the weeks and months ahead. For instance, each week, we're going to share a Next Steps Challenge — a small (atomic, even) practice that you can do each week to move closer to God and one another. We'll also be creating space to reflect on these next steps throughout the week so we can better see what might be changing in us.

We're going to celebrate the heck out of next steps, too.

🎉 Showing up for a Local Table for the first time — or the first time in a while? Next step!
🎉 Participating in worship two weeks in a row? Next step!
🎉 Starting your day with a quick prayer? Next step!
🎉 Emailing me about discerning your next step? Next step!

Every step looks different — and every step toward love is worth a celebration.

If you don't know where to begin, this form is here to help. It will help us help you get connected to take that next faithful step.

your partner on the journey,


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