Two unique opportunities to celebrate that hope is alive
Whether you’re an early bird or prefer to sleep in a bit on Easter Sunday, either celebration will leave you affirmed, anchored, and empowered — and ready to embrace resurrection hope!
There’s no wrong way to celebrate
Sunrise Service
6:45 am at Bynum Bridge
As is our tradition, join us at 6:45 am for a one-of-a-kind Easter Sunrise service at Bynum Bridge overlooking the Haw River. Bring some fresh-cut flowers and join in singing Alleluia with all of creation! This service will also include Holy Communion.
Easter Celebration
10 am at Woods Charter School
Join us for our Easter Celebration at Woods Charter School, featuring singing, celebration, an Easter Egg hunt, an ice cream truck, and a whole lot of resurrection hope. Bring fresh-cut flowers. This service will also include Holy Communion.
Holy Week Opportunities
The joy of Easter is so much more profound when we’ve been to and through the cross. There’s no resurrection without death.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 28
At-Home Liturgy: On Thursday, March 28, as a way of marking Maundy Thursday, the night we remember Jesus' last supper and his commandment to love one another, we'll send an at-home liturgy for you to share around the table with your family or friends. Invite your neighbor or pull a few friends together for this powerful experience. Make sure you’re on our email list to receive the At-Home Maundy Thursday Guide.
Good Friday
Friday, March 29 at 7:00 pm
The Parlour at Manns Chapel
Tenebrae Service: On Friday, March 29, we’ll gather at The Parlour at Manns Chapel at 7:00 pm for a special Good Friday Tenebrae service. Tenebrae is the Latin word for darkness, and during this service, as we hear more and more of the heart-wrenching story of Jesus’ Passion, the darkness around us will become more and more prevalent.
About TLC
We know that visiting a new church can be a vulnerable thing. Learn more about our affirming, anchoring, and empowering faith community — and what we believe here.