ICYMI: In Good Company: Fred Rogers

If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring a song from Sunday on Spotify, the sermon's main point, a key quotation, a prayer, and our weekly Next Step Practice. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.

📖 Focal Scripture

Luke 7:1–10

🎯 Reflection

In a polarized and turbulent world, embracing and sharing the truth of God as exemplified by Mr. Rogers, that each person is special and loved, could help create a more inclusive, just, compassionate world.

🗣️ Key Quotation

“The thing about Fred was that he was a really complicated man who had a very simple idea, which was that at the center of everything, at the bottom of the universe, at the top of the list, was the simple fact that God loved you… Fred wrote to me many times of the simple fact that God never gives up on you. And I think that Fred’s idea of grace was the manifestation of that.” — Tom Junod

🙏 Prayer

Jesus, thank you for people like Fred Rogers who have been an example of your love and grace. Help me to receive your unconditional love and acceptance. Let it fill me so that I may share it with my neighbors. Amen.

➡️ Next Step: Acknowledge and Appreciate a Saint

Fred Rogers once said, "All of us have special ones who have loved us into being" This week, ponder a living saint who has loved you into being. Reach out to them to let them know how special they are to you. How will their example continue to shape you?


ICYMI: In Good Company: Dorothy Day


ICYMI: Luke 6 // Foundation