ICYMI: Back to the Future: Becoming a People of Peace

If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring a song from Sunday on Spotify, the sermon's main point, a key quotation, a prayer, and our weekly Next Step Practice. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.

📖 Focal Scripture

Luke 1:26–56

🎯 Reflection

Amidst disorientation, fear, and uncertainty, Mary found a person of peace in Elizabeth who offered safety, love, and vital connection. Elizabeth’s hospitality proved formative, for it was only after her time with Elizabeth that Mary envisioned God’s future through the Magnificat, a song Jesus would sing in his own way throughout his life and ministry.

🗣️ Key Quotation

“Maybe peace starts with the courage to share the truth with someone and to hear them echoing back to you a clear and resounding “same,” or an “oh yeah, me too!” A peace in knowing we are never, ever alone.” — Kate Bowler

🙏 Prayer

Gracious God, grant me the courage of Mary to risk connection when I may feel like a burden and the hospitality of Elizabeth to welcome those you send me with an open heart and compassionate presence. May this peace become a foundation for what’s possible in your good future. Amen.

➡️ Next Step

Write down the name of someone who has been a person of peace for you. Send them a text to say thank you. Then, ask yourself who might need you to be a person of peace for them.


ICYMI: Back to the Future: Speak Now


ICYMI: Back to the Future: Unimaginable, Absurd Hope