ICYMI: Stars: A Sermon for Epiphany
If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring sharables and takeaways from our gathering. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.
📖 Focal Scripture
🎯 Reflection
Just as the stars remain steadfast above us—constant, faithful, unwavering—so too does divine love persist in our fractured world, offering guidance even when everything feels like it's unraveling. In our smallness beneath the vast cosmos, we're not diminished but held, remembered, and drawn toward light that refuses to be extinguished by empire or anxiety.
🗣️ Key Quotation
“In a world that can feel so full of dark nights and seeming darker days, I’m not sure there’s anything we need more than to trust that we, too, are held by a God who, like the stars in the night sky, is steadfast, constant, and consistent.” — Pastor Brent Levy
🙏 Prayer
Light of the World, who guides wanderers home and illuminates new paths before us, give us eyes to see your presence in both the vastness of the cosmos and the quiet corners of our lives. We pray this knowing that your love holds steady even when everything else seems to be unraveling. Amen.
💡 Journaling Prompts
What familiar paths am I stubbornly walking when God might be inviting me to find a different road home?
In my darkest moments this past year, what remained constant? What light, however faint, helped me find my way?
Where in my community am I called to be a steady presence? What holds me back from this commitment?
➡️ Next Step
On Sunday, we received Star Words for Epiphany. This week, spend some time with your word. Place it somewhere visible as a constant reminder. Look up your word's definition or etymology to find out what it’s meant through time. Search for your word in scripture. Finally, pray with your word, asking Spirit to let the word be a guide for you this year. Need a Star Word? Text us at (984) 214-8852.