Part 4: From Vision to Practice
"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work but neither are you free to abandon it." — The Talmud
Transform your Sacred Yes into sustainable rhythms that allow you to stay grounded while living out what makes you come alive.
What You'll Need
45-60 minutes of uninterrupted time
Your reflections from Steps 1-3
A journal or notebook
A candle (optional)
Your favorite centering practice
Beginning Where We Are
Like Shiphrah and Puah, who found sustainable ways to resist empire while bringing new life into the world, we too are called to find practices that allow us to remain grounded in divine love while engaging in sacred action.
Review and Integration
Begin with your centering practice. Light your candle if you have one. Take three deep breaths, letting each exhale release any tension or preoccupation.
Review your work from the previous steps:
Step 1: Your core truth and vision
Step 2: Your Inner Authority statement
Step 3: Your Sacred Yes and No
Notice any themes, patterns, or connections among these pieces. What story are they telling about who you are and what you're called to do?
The Practice of Sacred Rhythm
Just as Howard Thurman found his rhythm between contemplation and action, between his oak tree and the world's needs, we now create practices that will sustain our own sacred work. Consider these domains:
1. Spiritual Practices
What practices help you "center down" and stay rooted in divine love? Consider:
Daily prayer or meditation
Scripture reading
Time in nature
Movement practices
Creative expression
Community worship
Choose 2-3 practices that feel life-giving and sustainable. Be specific about when and how you'll engage them.
2. Learning Practices
What do you need to learn to live out your calling? Consider:
Books to read
Skills to develop
People to learn from
Experiences to seek
Questions to explore
Choose 1-2 specific learning goals that align with your Sacred Yes.
3. Community Practices
Who will walk with you? Consider:
Regular gatherings
Accountability partnerships
Mentoring relationships
Service opportunities
Small groups
Identify 2-3 specific ways you'll stay connected to community.
4. Action Practices
What specific actions align with your Sacred Yes? Consider:
Daily/weekly commitments
Monthly rhythms
Quarterly projects
Annual goals
Choose 3-4 concrete actions that feel sustainable and life-giving.
5. Rest Practices
How will you ensure sustainable engagement? Consider:
Sabbath rhythms
Boundaries to maintain
Joy practices
Physical care
Mental renewal
Identify 2-3 specific practices that will help you stay sustained.
Creating Your Working Paper
Now, bringing together all your work, create your Working Paper. This is a living document that you'll return to regularly. Include these sections:
Core Truth and Vision (from Step 1)
What you know to be true
Your vision for the world
Inner Authority (from Step 2)
Who you are
What you bring
Where you belong
Sacred Yes and No (from Step 3)
What you're called to do
What you need to release
Who walks with you
Sustainable Practices (from Step 4)
Your spiritual practices
Your learning practices
Your community practices
Your action practices
Your rest practices
Regular Review
Set specific times to review and update your Working Paper:
Daily: Read one section
Weekly: Review your practices
Monthly: Reflect on alignment
Quarterly: Update as needed
Annually: Deep revision
We can't do this alone
God empowers and multiplies
Everyone has what is theirs to do
We will not do this perfectly
You have a special part to play
Closing Prayer
Return to your breath. Feel the ground beneath you. Close with this prayer or one of your own:
"Divine Presence, thank you for the gift of calling and the grace of community. Help me stay rooted in your love as I seek to live out what is mine to do. Grant me wisdom to know when to act and when to rest, courage to stay true to my Sacred Yes, and joy in the journey of coming alive to your world. Amen."
Next Steps
Type or write out your Working Paper in a format you'll actually use
Share it with a trusted friend or spiritual companion
Schedule your first review session
Begin your practices tomorrow
Trust that as you come alive to what is yours to do, you participate in God's healing of the world.
Remember Howard Thurman's words: "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."