ICYMI: Luke 8 // Let it Shine

If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring sharables and takeaways from our gathering. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.

📖 Focal Scripture

Luke 8:16-21

🎯 Reflection

Letting our light shine is not about being ostentatious, but it’s instead about letting the light (which is the light of Christ) shine within us to reveal inner shadows, around us to illuminate unjust systems and those hidden from view, and ahead to reveal the path forward toward justice, peace, and healing.

🗣️ Key Quotation

“You don't see the light, but it is through the light that you see everything else.” — Richard Rohr

🙏 Prayer

God of love, your light is shining around me, within me, and through me. When I am tempted to hide your light for fear, fatigue, or uncertainty, grant me the courage to let it shine in the world through my hands, feet, heart and voice for the sake of your world. Amen.

➡️ Next Step

This week, let your light shine. Find ways to bless others in your daily life. Ask the Spirit who needs your time, advocacy, encouragement, or gift, and give of yourself. Notice the Spirit’s transformative work in you as you allow God’s light to shine through you.


ICYMI: Luke 8 // What Is Your Name?


ICYMI: Luke 8 // Garden Tools