ICYMI: Luke 8 // What Is Your Name?

If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring sharables and takeaways from our gathering. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.

📖 Focal Scripture

Luke 8:22–39

🎯 Reflection

In the region of the Gerasenes, Jesus encounters a man possessed by demons who is naked, isolated, and without a home. In asking the man what his name is, Jesus does what others had failed to do — acknowledge the man’s humanity. With this simple question, Jesus casts out the demons of exclusion, isolation, division, fear, and shame that had festered for years.

🗣️ Key Quotation

“Who doesn’t want to be called by name, known?… As misshapen as we feel ourselves to be, attention from another reminds us of our true shape in God.” — Richard Rohr

🙏 Prayer

God, you have called us by name and claimed us as your own. When we are tempted to take on names and identities rooted in past hurt, trauma, grief, or shame, remind us of our true identity. Give us the courage and grant us your power to resist those forces that seek to divide, isolate, and dehumanize still today. Amen.

➡️ Next Step

Learn someone’s name. Too often, we tend to overlook the humanity of those around us. So, this week’s practice is to get to know someone you don't know and ask their name. Notice the simple joy of knowing someone by name and being known yourself. Thank God that God knows each of us by name.


ICYMI: Luke 9 // Follow Me


ICYMI: Luke 8 // Let it Shine