ICYMI: Fast 3 // Fasting from Scarcity Anxiety (Luke 12)

If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring sharables and takeaways from our gathering. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.

📖 Focal Scripture

Luke 12:13–32

🎯 Reflection

Scarcity anxiety is the fear that there won’t be enough, and it leads to prejudice, jealousy, and greed. Just as Jesus teaches that God provides for the ravens and lilies, so too are we invited to seek first God’s kingdom and trust that God will give us what we need. In taking this risk, we are freed from scarcity anxiety to experience the joy of divine abundance.

🗣️ Key Quotation

“Before we even sit up in bed, before our feet touch the floor, we’re already inadequate, already behind, already losing, already lacking something. And by the time we go to bed at night, our minds are racing with a litany of what we didn’t get, or didn’t get done, that day.” — Lynne Twist

🙏 Prayer

Gracious God, free me from the scarcity mindset that leads to worry and fear. Grant me the courage instead to risk seeking your kingdom first, following the way of Jesus toward mutuality, love, and generosity, and trusting that you take pleasure in providing for my deepest needs. Amen.

➡️ Next Step

This week, fast from scarcity anxiety. This can look like giving something away, buying a meal or coffee for someone, or spending a full day without spending any money. In each of these, trust in divine abundance to give you what you need. Dig in more here.


ICYMI: Fast 4 // Fasting from Planning and Deadlines (Luke 13)


ICYMI: Fast 1 // Fasting from Consumption (Luke 10)