ICYMI: Come Alive 3 // Alive to Neighbor

If you missed Sunday's service or could use a refresher, here's a quick recap featuring sharables and takeaways from our gathering. Scroll to the bottom for the full sermon recording.

📖 Focal Scripture

Matthew 5:1–16, 33–37

🎯 Reflection

In a world that's constantly trying to tell us who we are, the "sound of the genuine" within us—that spark of the divine—reminds us of our sacred worth and calls us to recognize it in our neighbors, even when they've forgotten what it sounds like in themselves. When we align our lives with this truth, saying yes to justice and no to oppression, we become fully alive for the healing of the world, creating space for both resistance and transformation.

🗣️ Key Quotation

“There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself and sometimes there is so much traffic going on in your minds, so many different kinds of signals, so many vast impulses floating through your organism that go back thousands of generations, long before you were even a thought in the mind of creation, and you are buffeted by these, and in the midst of all of this you have got to find out what your name is. Who are you? How does the sound of the genuine come through to you… The sound of the genuine is flowing through you. Don’t be deceived and thrown off by all the noises that are a part even of your dreams, your ambitions, so that you don’t hear the sound of the genuine in you, because that is the only true guide that you will ever have, and if you don’t have that you don’t have a thing.” — Howard Thurman

🙏 Prayer

Holy One, who speaks an unwavering yes over all creation and plants the sound of the genuine within each soul, help us to recognize your sacred spark both in ourselves and in our neighbors—even those we struggle to love—so that we might become fully alive in the work of healing and justice. We pray this in the name of the one who teaches us to let our yes be yes, and our no be no, Jesus Christ. Amen.

💡 Journaling Prompts

  • What's one "yes" I need to say more clearly, and what "no" comes with it?

  • What situation in my life needs to be named before it can be healed?

  • Who is the person I find hardest to love right now? What might the "sound of the genuine" in them look like?

➡️ Next Step

This week, we’re continuing to build our Working Paper—a living document to help you find what makes you come alive. Last week, we worked to identify our Inner Authority. This week, we’re discerning that which gets our yes and no. Find your guide to this week's practice here.


ICYMI: Come Alive 4 // Alive to the World


ICYMI: Come Alive 2 // Alive to Self